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Narrated by Barry Peterson

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How Do I Find Peace Within Myself?


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Lost and valuable spiritual classics get a new home in the Light for the world to Hear. For those with the ears to hear, let them Hear.

Books by Jayem

“The Way of the Heart” is a collection of Jeshua’s teachings, faithfully transcribed from the original channeled audio recordings. It forms the third volume of the five essential ‘Way of Mastery’ texts. Jeshua shares:

“The Way of the Heart… is that pathway that begins with a commitment to healing and awakening and is founded on the premise that you are perfectly free at all times. And everything that is experienced has been by your choice. And at no time has there been any other cause.”

His invitation to us is to wake up from every illusion that we have ever been separate from God and to remember the deepest Truth of who we are: Christ. 

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