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Peter Mt. Shasta – Book “I AM the Violet Tara”


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“Ascended Master” is a term, which is probably coined by Baird T. Spalding around 1924, and popularized by Godfre Ray King in the 1930s. The process of Ascension (or consciously dissolving the physical form) is well known in Tibet as JALUS (meaning “rainbow”). When this happens, the human Soul (the Higher Mental Body), merges with the Rainbow Body or the I AM Presence (in Sanskrit, ATMAN).

Books by Peter Mt. Shasta

The Master known as Saint Germain materialized in a physical body before Peter Mt. Shasta, changing his life forever. Although offered liberation, he chose to remain and serve the Masters in their mission of preparing humanity for the coming changes.

Saint Germain sent him to a woman in Mount Shasta by the name of Pearl for spiritual instruction in contacting his Higher Self, receiving Its guidance, and bringing It into action in the outer world. His training led him not only to inner spiritual retreats but also into the world of business and filmmaking in Hollywood — where he encountered many tests and trials that forced him to apply the Masters’ teachings.


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